Element Descriptor

Being able to keep body and soul together during a trial lowers your own stress and that of other folks. While you may never want to take chargeable action again, your example can make it easier for others to do so. Or harder, obvs.

Level descriptors

You can look after yourself – ask for the right kinds of help from the right people at the right time before and during a relatively “straightforward” trial.
You can look after yourself – ask for the right kinds of help from the right people at the right time before and during a lengthy trial. You are able to offer support to others.
You can look after yourself – ask for the right kinds of help from the right people at the right time before and during a length/messy trial. You are able to offer serious support at different levels to others. Hopefully you will never need this level…
You can do everything an expert does, across class, culture gaps among defendants, and while coping with serious efforts by the prosecution and their mates in strange buildings to screw with your head.

Element Overview Essay

This is a draft. If something doesn’t make sense, or you see typos, or if you have further ideas, please email us on contact@activecitizenshiptoolkit.net

Development Resources

So the reason that support at trials are done badly is relatively few people get arrested for civil disobedience, fewer get charged, fewer cases,go to court, and the length of the trials tends to be quite short.

The consequences of people not being able to support others to handle trial situations is extra stress. Some people might feel unsupported and acknowledged, and that can have really serious implications for their well being and the well being of any group, which say a part of or affiliated to.

So solutions are to really get hold of the experiences of people who’ve been on trial, and what lessons they learned and what sorts of support infrastructure needs to be built now, before the shit hits the fan.

Assessment Resources