Element Descriptor
Assuming you’re not actually sent down, the aftermath of a trial – acquittal, suspended sentence etc – comes with its own stressors and difficulties. Other people have been through it, so learning from them is a Good Thing.
Level descriptors
Novice | Practitioner | Expert | Ninja |
After a short trial where there was a clear cut victory you are able to deal with media interest, inquisitive friends and any mopping up that needs doing. | After a longish trial, at the end of a painfully drawn out process, where there was largely clear cut victory you are able to deal with media interest, inquisitive friends and emotional support for yourself and others that needs doing. | After a long trial, at the end of a painfully drawn out process, where there was a kind of victory you are able to deal with a large amount of media interest, inquisitive friends and the urgent and ongoing emotional support for yourself and others that needs doing. | After a complex and gnarly trial, with ambiguous outcomes around victory/defeat, you are able to situate it within wider contexts, heal your wounds and cope with the financial, physical, emotional and friendship fallout, and also help other folks do the same. |
Element Overview Essay
This is a draft. If something doesn’t make sense, or you see typos, or if you have further ideas, please email us on contact@activecitizenshiptoolkit.net
Development Resources
So, the reason people are no good at this is trials are quite rare, especially longer ones. And so there’s not necessarily many opportunities to do the kind of emotional legal, administrative mopping up that is required. Also, when those there have been on trials, they pretend to be naked.
So the consequences are, if you don’t have a sweeper team to do post trial support, whether the people were acquitted or convicted, or something in between, then those people won’t get supported and the opportunities that might exist, especially following an acquittal to build more momentum and movement can easily be lost.
So the fixes around this would be to find out from people who have been through trials and acquittals or convictions. What happened in the immediate and longer term aftermath of a trial? What was done well, what was done badly. interviews, little cartoon booklets giving people situational awareness as they go through the whole process and to reiterate if we are to believe that Climate change will get worse. And that there will be resistance, civil resistance civil disobedience, we can assume that states will do what states do, which is to crack down and that therefore more people will be on trial for this stuff. So this is gonna be a skill on the horizon, that active citizenship groups are going to need trials in general.