Element Descriptor
The time is right – even overdue – for Tiktok for campaigning (see what we did there?) Being able to use short form video formats for humorous-but-serious stuff is the next frontier…
Level descriptors
Novice | Practitioner | Expert | Ninja |
you have a tik tok account (which embarrassing, since you’re not like, 17) and you can post basic videos which get some attention. | you have a tik tok account, you know how and when to put up content that gets eyeballs, clicks etc and being funny about serious subjects without being trivial or trivialised. | you can manage multiple tik tok accounts, you know how to sequence a series of videos, each one more clever than the last, and matching it up with your other social media accounts too. | you are one of those people with more followers than there are humans on t’planet, and get asked for your pearls of wisdom by Newsnight, Wired and everything in between. |
Element Overview Essay
This is a draft. If something doesn’t make sense, or you see typos, or if you have further ideas, please email us on contact@activecitizenshiptoolkit.net
So the reason that more people don’t do TikTok well, is that it’s a new platform. You can only do it via decent mobile phone, you’re limited to however many seconds
The consequences are that people miss out on a platform that at least Sarah Cooper has had a great deal of success with. In terms of viewing stats, she hasn’t yet brought down the Trump administration.
So the fixes would be for people to try using Tik Tok and to get better at it in the same way that you get better at any given social media platform. While remembering that social media is not real life.
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