Element Descriptor

Appearances do matter when it comes to text-based content. Sloppy and mistake-strewn work creates the impression of a sloppy and disorganised group, causing readers who would otherwise engage to turn off. More importantly still, groups reporting on complex problems and policies need to convey their points clearly to a wide range of audiences. This includes those less familiar with the detail, or approaching the matter from a different perspective to their own. Interventions into sensitive or high-risk areas also need to keep a keen eye on tone, but that is more about copy editing...

Level descriptors

Happy checking near-final versions of text for typographical errors – and picks these up in almost all instances. Does not make major changes to the text, and the role is more proofreading than copy-editing proper.Corrects grammar and spelling, as well typographical errors in texts, including those for a wider external audience or material that may be widely shared. With reference to a style guide (or equivalent note from authors), ensures that the text is in line with the desired tone. Makes basic changes to improve the overall readability. More of a copy-editor than a proofreader, they may look out for potential legal problems.Undertakes substantial reviews of content, ensuring clarity, coherence and logical flow for a wide range of texts. With little explanation from the primary author, they will fine-tune the structure, tone and voice. Picks up almost all SPAG and typographical errors but also checks facts.You can do all the things an export can do, only more quicker, and with moor panache

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