Element Descriptor

Money makes the world go round. Putting on a bandnight can raise money while also giving everyone a good time, and slipping in some (subtle) Political Education, comrade. It’s an undervalued skill…

You can, with plenty of advance warning and support, put together a simple band night with one or three bands that goes off safely and enjoyably, raising a bit of money and leaving people glad they played, glad they came.With some advance warning you can stage a decent sized band night, with appeal to a broad range of potential supporters. The politics is in there, but not in anyone’s face, and everyone agrees they’d come back for more. The nights turn a reasonable profit too…With minimal advance warning you host a large band night, attended by different groups, where everyone feels they had a good time, serious money is raised and serious (and fun) connections are made between the attendees. And babies are conceived.Just like an expert, except you can do all this while running across a ploughed field pursued by cops and a helicopter, while dictating a press release to a skeptical journalist on your mobile.

Level descriptors

You can, with plenty of advance warning and support, put together a simple band night with one or three bands that goes off safely and enjoyably, raising a bit of money and leaving people glad they played, glad they came.With some advance warning you can stage a decent sized band night, with appeal to a broad range of potential supporters. The politics is in there, but not in anyone’s face, and everyone agrees they’d come back for more. The nights turn a reasonable profit too…With minimal advance warning you host a large band night, attended by different groups, where everyone feels they had a good time, serious money is raised and serious (and fun) connections are made between the attendees. And babies are conceived.Just like an expert, except you can do all this while running across a ploughed field pursued by cops and a helicopter, while dictating a press release to a skeptical journalist on your mobile.

Element Overview Essay

This is a draft. If something doesn’t make sense, or you see typos, or if you have further ideas, please email us on contact@activecitizenshiptoolkit.net

The reason band nights may not go well:  You don’t have a good venue. You don’t do enough good publicity. You haven’t got a good lineup of bands.

The consequences are that you won’t raise as much money as you thought you would, that everyone’s morale will be a bit down, your credibility will be down with the bands that did come etc.

The solutions well, assuming that there will be bad nights again. Get a good venue Get good bands. Do an enormous amount of publicity and networking and more publicity and have all your ducks in a row and enjoy yourselves. And then nights can be really cool

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