Element Descriptor

Ah, Facebook. Like your annoying sibling – can’t kill, but can’t ignore. So being able to use it constructively for your cause, without getting trapped or lost in it, mistaking likes and engagements for capacity building, continues to be important…

Level descriptors

Has a Facebook account, knows the difference between a group and a page, can set up events and invite people to them.Is able to get folks eyes onto a page/group/event without spamming, seeming needy. Able to ‘curate’ comments, shut down stupid/harmful conversations without causing further mayhemIs able to use Facebook well for political/campaigning purposes, with multiple pages and groups, helping to create and sustain a positive local ecosystem, and defend it against opponents, trolls, vampires etc.Like an expert, only able to do stuff at speed and in face of more concerted opposition. Keeps on top of the latest developments and changes in Facebook and its various algorithms…

Element Overview Essay

This is a draft. If something doesn’t make sense, or you see typos, or if you have further ideas, please email us on contact@activecitizenshiptoolkit.net

The causes of people not using Facebook, social movement organisations not using Facebook effectively for political campaigning are many, one is Facebook is designed not to allow that sort of thing. Number two, there are always bewildering changes to how it works and the secret algorithms. Number three, everyone kind of gave up on Facebook quite some time ago. But apparently, in the groups, there can still be some traction.

The consequences of not using Facebook, I’m not sure they’re huge, but you do miss out on some audiences perhaps. Though, I would maintain that you’re better off having a bit more control over how your information is presented, and what details you share and which people you reach the old fashioned ways might be the best for real engagement.

So what is to be done? I suppose you grit your teeth, and gird your loins.  And if only for a short time, figure out how to be at least a practitioner, Facebook, but never fall for the idea that just because you’ve spent time gaining a skill that you are somehow obliged to keep it up. Skill decay can be a thing that we can mourn and regret. But when it comes to Facebook, it can be a thing that we are perfectly happy with

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